The Cambridge Christmas Market is going online for 2020!
Monday November 23 to Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
The online shopping experience will allow everyone to shop safely from the comfort of their own home. The market will feature local crafters, makers and artists. Browse through the online shops to find that unique gift for any occasion. Vendors will offer multiple delivery options including a one day curbside pick-up on Sat Dec 19 at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts.
For customers who enjoy shopping at our Cambridge Christmas Market every year and want to buy handmade gifts from artisans, crafters and makers. The online shopping experience will allow everyone to shop safely from the comfort of their own homes. You can place orders through the Cambridge Christmas Market Local Line Shop.
Order and pay online
To order and pay online, visit the Online Cambridge Christmas Market. if it is your first visit, you will be prompted to set up your account. When asked for your “business name”, please put your full name, and then re-enter first name and last name in the separate boxes. This will make sorting your orders much easier. Also, please be sure to choose the correct (Canadian) town from the drop down menu.
There are three ways to find what you’re looking for:
- Scroll through the products as if you were wandering around the market, looking to see what’s available.
- Find a specific vendor using the drop down menu to “Filter by Supplier” the same way you’d go directly to a vendor’s stall at the Cambridge Christmas Market.
- Use keywords to “Search by Product,” in case more than one vendor has it for sale, the same way you’d compare between vendors at the market.
When is the best time to shop?
The Cambridge Christmas Market online shop will open on Monday, Nov. 23 at 9 a.m. and will close on December 23 at noon. If you are interested in picking up all your items at the same time to save shipping fee’s, please ensure that you place all your orders on or before December 16 to give vendors time to pick/pack your items for the December 19 pick up day. The online one day pick up will take place at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts – 60 Dickson Street on Saturday, December 19 starting at 10 a.m. All shoppers will receive a designated time to pick up their orders upon receiving your order confirmation.
Just like at the physical Christmas Market, for the online market the individual vendors control when their products are available.