Directed by Jane Gingerich and accompanied by Donna Mak, the choir will be performing an assortment of numbers, including Billy Joel’s ‘And So It Goes’, a gospel-inspired rendition of ‘Will The Circle Be Unbroken’, and ‘Night Yoik’ which is inspired by the Sámi people of northern Europe. The concert will conclude with ‘Rodgers and Hammerstein On Broadway’ – a medley featuring favourites from The Sound of Music, Oklahoma, South Pacific, and more.
The concert will also include guest performances from piano students Justin Bian, Elmer Lei, Elvin Lei, Jennifer Jia & Phoebe Lin.
Refreshments are available at a reception after the concert, along with a chance to mingle with the choir and performers.
Tickets are $10 and will be available at the door, from any choir member or requested through the website (